Has it crossed in our mind, a moment in every stage of our life, which we are proud of it and really want to have the same feeling, emotion, spirit as those moments. The moments that share values to the development of our personality, or share nice memories to remember. And sometimes, when some hardship come to our life, when we think that we are now unhappy, or when we think that today's we is not better than the past we, we want to roll back in those moments and live in it.
I often feel ashamed of myself when my grandmother said that my childhood is better in case that I always did what my grandmother said without a word. My childhood was amazing in the middle of problems. But I like it. We live in a small house near the lake. we have everything around our home, fruit, vegetables, spices, fishes, and cattles. I swam in the lake almost everyday. I spent the night without lamp. nocturnal animals' sound always lullabied me 'till I sleep.
I was the golden grandchild of my grandpa. he always took me to some beautiful places near my house, bought candies or ice cream, or took me to see movie at the public theathre.
Today, when I become so lazzy, I'm ashamed of myself in the past. in the Junior High School. I used to pray at night, did some sunnah shaum, memorized some surrah, active in school organizations, and academically excellent.
Today, when I become so fragile, I'm ashamed of myself in Senior High School. when there were a lot of troubles stroke my life, I was so thankful,patient, and received. I could be that strong that I can't get today.
Today, when afternoon come, when I feel so lonely and want to discuss something, I missed my friends in USEF (I love you guys). we shared a lot of things together, share smile and laughters. Share problems, sing song together, or just studying together. I was so happy when S.W.O.T came, the time of reveal. When the personalities is assessed, and improved.
Today, I missed some past times, When I laughed with my new family, my lovely sister in law, my husband, my parents in law. When I listened to my grandmother's story all day long. when I help my lovely aunt at the kitchen. When I spent my time in my bedroom and slept as a like..
We all have unforgettable moments which took us to the today's We. Past, however beautiful it was, cannot be replayed or lived. Past is like a rear mirror, which we should see once (not always) because we need to look forward. Past, was the great teacher and motivator which should be a contemplation and reflection. Past, however bad it was, has brought us into a stronger We.
Today, when we have some problems, will be "past" in some moments later. Today, is the chance of making history for the future. And we will miss today's moments in the future. Today, make our moments to be marked nicely.
Today must be better than yesterday.
And tomorrow must be better than today.
Thank you for all the poeple which filled up my life.
I love you all.
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